I have known Barbara Brennan’s book “Hands of Light” as a resource for many exerts in the field of healing for as long as I can remember, so I was delighted when I was introduced to Larisa in Willunga South Australia who has been personally trained directly by Barbara Brennan. My first healing session with Larisa took place about eight months ago and since that time many profound changes have come about in my life,
-David Story, South Australia
“Larisa embodies a rare combination of strength and no fuss down to earth spirituality. Her presence enabled me to feel and release tightly held down emotions while feeling safe enough to do so -not an easy thing for me. After our session I too felt stronger and lighter with a newfound peace in my chest and heart. “
-Sandra Vasiljevic Berset , UK
“I came to see Larisa as I was curious to find out more about what the healing with Brennan Healing Science Practitioner is and what it can do for my mind, body and soul. I thought I was in a relatively good space prior to the session, however, the result I felt after and the days to come were astonishing “
-Cindy Pellas, South Australia
“If you are looking for ways to clear energetic blockages and move through obstacles in your life with more ease and grace, I highly recommend the services of Larisa at Askara. Larisa has a huge heart and is a gifted healer. She holds space with great skill, compassion and understanding, “
-Deanne, South Australia
“Larisa treated me as part of her practical learning component and I was blown away by the thoroughness and in-depth nature of her learning and subsequent treatments. Thank you Larisa and good luck. “
-Rubin Sharif, South Australia
“ I had the pleasure of being treated by Larisa and found her to be caring, confident and very thorough...a great experience and the outcomes of these healings were great. Thank you and good luck in your new modality”. With Love and Gratitude Geraldene De “
-Boo-Sharif , South Australia
“Larisa experiences life in a refreshing and exciting way. As her client, her excitement and confidence rubs off on me. I feel supported and encouraged every time I come off the table. Whenever I am feeling down or depressed, Larisa's guidance lifts my spirits.
-Molly McCarthy , USA